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Tuesday, April 28, 2009


The girl with the broken wrist is still at home...wishing she could upgrade a broken wrist into complete invalidism. lol! She wanted something to eat and and thought Ramen soup sounded good.

Mom said "There's a package in the pantry." and Keva moaned, "oooh, how do you fix it"

Mom said, "Get a pan and put water in it. Just read the directions."

Before Kerra left for work a while ago, she reminded Keva that her room needed to be straightened up today.

"But Maaa--aam, I can't! My arm!"

And Mom said, "It only takes one hand to pick up and put away. You can do that"

She really is doing pretty well. And honestly can do for herself except for lifting and opening things or when two good hands are required. Kerra truly isn't being harsh. Her wrist only hurts a bit and her fingers are slighty swollen from the poor circulation and the break. It could have been much worse and much more painful now than it is. As it is, the wrist only hurts when she remembers it is supposed to!

Poor baby. I'm sorry, I have to chuckle. Keva loves to be a drama queen. And Mom squashes her aspirations.

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