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Thursday, December 16, 2010


Yesterday was a lovely day. It was a Wednesday and both my ‘kids’ were home! Rachael had the day off for her birthday and Michael took the day off to be with her—the best birthday present she could have. Sarah, Billy and Nicky were here too. So they spent the day acting like teen-agers. Well, R & M got up early to go and do ‘grown-up business’ as Rachael calls it. She had to go and renew her driver’s license and then stop at the bank and withdraw some cash that I had lent her Tuesday night. They also stopped at the grocery and to get Peanut some alfalfa hay and cedar chips for his box. (That’s one spoiled cat. He isn’t satisfied for plain old blankets or straw. NO! He has to have alfalfa and cedar or he won’t go in there! )
Then they came home, fixed some lunch (for R & M, and me) breakfast (for the rest of the crew) and spent the afternoon playing Uno. I told them later that I considered coming out and putting them in opposite corners of the room a couple times.
I used to wonder at how much Grandma Howe seemed to enjoy having the Rachael and Notah visit her when they couldn’t talk with her very much and spent most of their time out running around the desert with Lenora and their other cousins. Now I understand it. Just the sound of their voices laughing and coming and going makes me happy. I enjoyed having R & M home all day and I didn’t really spend that much time with them. Funny thing was-I spent the day thinking it was Sunday.
Now it’s Thursday and we are waiting for another snowstorm. It’s supposed to be moving in any second. Grove City already has a couple inches. The weather man said, “North of I-70 would get one inch, south of I-70 would be getting two to three inches, and on south around the Ohio River would get four to six!” Now that’s quite a range in only about 250 miles. I’m anxious to see what really happens. So far it sounds like they are on course. We have no new snow yet and Grove City has going on two. And that is a pretty narrow belt north to south… probably no more than 20 miles, although I’m not too good at figuring mileage.
Looks like there is a very, very fine snow falling now with no wind.

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