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Friday, April 17, 2009

I received this in my email this morning. I thought it was beautiful
Today . . .

I did not come this far, nor to this place alone, but in the presence and power of my God.
The circumstances of this moment are not greater than my God. He knows them better than I do, yet He permits them.
And He will overcome them within me if I will allow Him. Mine is not to fret as though He does not know, or care, or cannot overcome.
Mine is to walk on knowing that He is here.
I am His by His creation, and His new birth. I am His to do with as He chooses . . . to bless or to use up, to serve or to simply endure.
The day belongs to my Lord, and it is the only day I have to serve and glorify Him.
And so I shall give all that I have and am that for this one day He shall be honored.
For I am not promised tomorrow.
. . .choose you this day whom ye will serve; . . .but as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD. Joshua 24:15

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