Saturday, August 28, 2010
rotten little dog!
Thursday, August 26, 2010
you get what you pay for
Monday, August 23, 2010
another morning
I REALLY ENJOY the early morning. I usually wake up by six, sometimes much before. On work days I set my phone to jingle to make sure I don’t forget what time it is and not get R & M’s breakfast and lunches started. It’s strange, but I never enjoyed getting up so early before I retired. Hmmm. Must have had something to do with having to go to work!
Today I put the little dogs out, started the eggs, piled the lunch fixings on the counter and started in making sandwiches, rolling Rachael’s meat rolls and putting stuff in baggies. When the lunches were finished I put the fixings away and sat down to a few cheese cubes and a pile of grapes with my early morning coffee. It was nice tosit there in the quiet. I spent some time in prayer and after that I was remembering other mornings in my life.
Probably my favorites are the ones I spent with Notah in Belen. He leaves for work almost every morning by six, many times he is going as early as five and very rarely by four-thirty. When I was with them my chair was in the family room adjacent to the kitchen. We never had stirring conversations; Notah is too much his mother’s son for that. But we did always share a few words sometimes about what was in store for his day or about a snake he had seen the night before or something else mundane to our mutual interests. It was dark, with only the flicker of the TV news and weather. The time was only a quiet few minutes at the start of the day. Then he would leave and I would sit and watch the morning come up across the hills and valley beyond
Friday, August 20, 2010
cell phones, dogs and family ties
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Four AM
Last night was a full scale battle.
A couple minutes or a few seconds (My time sense at 4am is not that great.) after the fracas began Rachael came stomping down the stairs. Of course as soon as she hit the scene the cat fight ended. Andy and Cloudy came hustling in my room and Rachael shut the door.
Silence returned.
At daylight, six o’clock, I went through to let the little dogs out and saw the scene of the fight in the living room. The set-to had developed between the sofa table and the antique bookcase that sits against the staircase wall. It looked as though a stuffed cat had exploded! An area of about three feet wide by four feet long was covered with tufts of cat fur. No blood-they weren’t that serious- but serious for distribution!
These are the culprits-they don’t look like midnight brawlers, do they?
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Háálá Ayóo Diyin (Navajo Lyrics)
Dóólá Dó' ShiDiyin Da (Navajo Lyrics)
This absolutely thrills me! the song was written by a Navajo man. and the joy of finding the Great God shines throughin the Chorus: "Doola do' shiDiyin da Ayoo' at'eii ei' yee akasdzaaz" HOW GREAT IS MY GOD, HE'S WRAPPED IN GREATNESS! I've never heard it put that way, but it is a very traditional Navajo way of speaking and it describes our God so wonderfully.
Sweet Hour of Prayer (Navajo Lyrics)
I cannot believe I figured this OUT! Wow! I'm so excited I can't type!
Sunday, August 8, 2010
neighborhood skunk

Gabriel and Sebastian had a run in with a skunk! I let the two of them out early in the morning. I always enjoy watching their two little bottoms and black tails go bouncing out across the yard every morning. They act as though the fate of the world depends on their getting to the back corner of the fence as quickly as possible! They go bouncing out and I go back in the kitchen to get the coffee started and assemble the things for R & M’s lunches.
By the time I have the various lunch bags out and the components put on the counter so I can sit down and assemble the sandwiches, etc., the little dogs are ready to come back in. This particular morning was no different. I may have taken time to make myself a cup of coffee, but no longer. I went in to open the door for the little guys.
As soon as the first puff of wind came in I smelled the skunk and thought Oh-oh somebody ticked that skunk off. Gabriel and Sebastian came when I called them and hustled in just as they usually did. I closed the door and gave no more thought to the skunk. Not until I followed them back down the hall. At that point I decided that they were involved, somehow in ticking off the skunk.
I’ve been around dogs who have tangled with skunks and this smelled no where near as bad as those. With those dogs you couldn’t be in the same barn with them! Regardless of that Gable and Bastian were definitely skunky.
R & M noticed it when they came down, but at that hour of the morning they had no time to do anything about the situation and I certainly couldn’t! It was smelly but not the eye-burning, nose-numbing potency of a full on blast. Once I sat in the room with it for a while my nose cancelled out the smell. I decided they must have merely been down wind of the skunk but not directly in its spray radius.
I have this vision of poor old skunk trundling along back among the evergreens on the other side of the fence scuffling through the duff under the trees looking for what ever goodies he could find when Gable and Sebastian came tearing out like gang-busters and scared him silly! His first reaction was to flip his tail and spray in the direction of the disturbance. Fortunately Gable and Sebastian were quite a ways off.
When I went back n the bedroom one of the little guys had gotten pretty sick over by their bed. I didn’t connect it with the skunk spray until much later. I simply cleaned it up.
When evening came the first thing that happened was that Gabe and Baby-bastian got baths! For future reference: a cup full of hydrogen peroxide with three heaping tablespoons of baking soda and a couple hefty squirts of Dawn dish soap is effective for removing skunk smell. Although for Sebastian it took two baths.
It wasn’t until later that I connected the barfing with the skunk. Now I knew this from past experience, but of course didn't remember in good time. A good dose of skunk spray in the face will make a dog dry heave for days! When Sebastian had to have two baths, I knew that he had been the one who vomited. I also knew it because the towel I had used to scrub up the vomit residue was making my bathroom smell long after I had rinsed it out and hung it to dry.
Poor little guys. But they still tear out the door in the morning to chase that skunk off. It’s the neighborhood skunk. Rachael came in after work the other night asking if we were sure the little dogs were in because the skunk had smelled up the neighborhood again. But this time it was somebody else’s dog!
Saturday, August 7, 2010
one sinner has come home!

She said “I’m sorry to call so late. I told Roy it was too late, but he said, ‘Call your Auntie. She said to call any time.’ So I’m calling to tell you I’m being baptized on Sunday!” And suddenly it all became clear! She didn’t know the right words, to say but the joy in her voice made it all apparent. I’ve talked with Roy enough to know he would not let her be baptized if she hadn’t gotten saved. He has been the instrument of her coming to the Lord. I don’t believe she had ever been to church until she met him. And now look!
I was looking for the song, “The angels up in heaven are rejoicing round the throne, filling the courts with songs so grand. They’re rejoicing because of one lost soul who has come home. I know there must be joy in that land!” If someone knows where it is on youtube or someplace else, send it to me. That’s exactly what was going through my mind last night!
While I was looking I found this: “It’s a Song Holy Angels Cannot Sing!” I’ve heard it over and over, but each time it blesses me to think that with all their glory in the beauty of heaven, YET they can never know the same joy we have when our sins are forgiven!
Listen and think about it! They will never know the words to “Love Lifted Me”! If it doesn’t bring tears to your eyes, check your relationship with the Lord!
(Sorry, some day I'll learn how to embed them to show up right here, meantime you'lll have to click and go to the actual Youtube site. )