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Saturday, August 28, 2010

rotten little dog!

Gable is a little liar! The stinker. A little while ago, bout 10:30 I got up to put my empty carryout container in the bathroom trash can. That basket is big but it doesn’t fill up as fast as the one here by me and has more room for chef salad containers.
At any rate Gable decided it was time for his morning potty break. I told him quite definitely that it wasn’t time! He proceeded to hustle out: first, to wake up Sebastian, THEN to go get Maxim and Mica!
Now you can say what you want about whether or not he ‘understood’ what I said to him but I swear his little brain developed a strategy: "I’ll go tell Maxim and Mica we’re goin’ outside and then she’ll have to go open the door!”
Yeah, I hear ya. But it sure looked like that. And GABLE stood in the hallway looking expectant when the other dogs came in bouncing around to go out.

Look at that face! Doesn’t look like a little liar does he. LOL

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