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Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Snow Day!

Columbus was hit with major weather last night. (Tuesday) Snow began falling during the afternoon and kept it up all night. Around 10 pm it changed to little balls of ice! Then a little rain was dumped on that and then some more snow. It all made for very nasty driving.

Michael’s work was closed this morning. But Krogers never closes and Rachael got ready to go. Then
after seeing footage of the interstates on the news, she called her boss and told her that she would drive over to the freeway and see if she could make it. As it turned out, she didn’t make it much past Sunbury Road before she came back.

So we had a fantastic snow day. Michael finished the shelves he’s been building in the basement. Rachael did some laundry and gave the house a quick spiff up. I sat here in the warm and watched it snow.

Then after they finished they took the big dogs out to play in the snow. I don’t know who had the better time—the dogs or the ‘kids’.

Some times it is good to just take a day out of time to refresh the mind and body. I remember when Jesus said to the disciples, Come ye yourselves apart into a desert place, and rest a while: for there were many coming and going, Mark 6:31 Sometimes we don’t need to occupy our bodies with work or our minds with thought. Sometimes we just need “down time” to renew our selves.

That’s what today was.

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